Room 1

Food for Shabbat from the Galei Sanz hotel

We highly recommend to all our vacationers to order Shabbat food from -Galei Sanz Hotel

The food at Galei Sanz is -Glatt Kosher, you can order from their website at the link:

Our vacationers highly recommend the wonderful food in an authentic ultra-Orthodox Jewish atmosphere, an experience of a variety of flavors.

The food you order can be eaten in our spacious dining rooms that are suitable for 29 diners with comfortable chairs and an elegant and beautiful table.

The website of - The Yarid Shabbat Food offers a variety of dishes at affordable prices suitable for families with many children.

Among the dishes you can find authentic dishes such as Lokshen Kugel and a variety of meats and fish, in a delightful culinary style.

Our vacationers recommend

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